the aim of battleships is to sink all of the computers ships before he sinks yours! the computers ships are randomly hidden somewhere in the grid on the left and you have to find them. your ships are randomly placed on the right-hand grid. use this to see how well the computer is doing and how many ships of yours have been sunk.

you both have 11 ships. these are:
4 sweepers (which are 2 blocks long)
4 frigates (which are 3 blocks long)
2 cruisers (which are 4 blocks long)
1 battleship (which is 5 blocks long).

to take a shot, just click on a block on the left hand grid and if you get a hit, a red explosion appears. to sink a ship, you must hit every one of its blocks. once this is done the ship turns red and a message appears. a green message means that you have sunk one of the computers ships and a red one means that the computer has sunk one of yours!

you are told how many ships the computer has left to sink in the bar below the grids.