did you ever stop to wonder what would happen if your dogs name was mypenis?
- mypenis ate my homework.
- oh no, mypenis is frothing at the mouth.
- sorry i'm late, i was playing with mypenis.
- i'm sorry, officer. i didnt realise i had to keep mypenis on a leash.
- mypenis doesn't come when i call it.
- mypenis likes to crawl between the legs of guests.
- i love giving mypenis a bath.
- at night, i sleep with mypenis in my hands.
- mypenis likes it when people stroke him.
- mypenis needs to get more exercise. he weighs over fifty pounds.
- playing with mypenis really wears me out.
- would you like to see a picture of mypenis?
- i think mypenis has a mind of its own.
- i keep a picture of mypenis in my wallet.
- whenever i get lost, mypenis points me in the right direction.
- i think mypenis is getting old because he wont get excited anymore, he just plays dead.
- mypenis got out last night. i think he's sleeping with the lady next door.
- mypenis loves to chase pussies in dark alleys.
- help, i cant find mypenis.
- sorry to be driving so slow officer, but i was looking for mypenis.
- sorry to be driving so fast officer, i have to take mypenis to the hospital.
- mypenis gets excited whenever the postman comes.
- oh no, something bit mypenis!